Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC

Mastering Chiropractic Adjustments: A Seminar Overview with Dr. Gregory Johnson


The Ring Dinger® adjustment, also recognized as the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment®, stands as a specialized technique within chiropractic care, designed to address spinal misalignments and associated issues created by renowned chiropractic Dr. Gregory Johnson.

This adjustment focuses on the realignment of the spine along the y-axis, with the goal of alleviating pressure, tension, and discomfort caused by spinal misalignments. The technique involves securing the patient onto the Ring Dinger® table with foam-covered steel pins, providing a stable anchor for the spine. By raising the lower legs parallel to the table, this adjustment helps flatten the lumbar curve, relaxing the muscles along the spine, from the sacrum to the thoracolumbar region and even extending higher into the thoracic and cervical areas.

The primary goal of the Ring Dinger® adjustment is to provide a comprehensive y-axis realignment, offering relief to individuals suffering from various spinal conditions, such as chronic back pain, herniated discs, or related discomfort stemming from misalignments. Chiropractors who specialize in this technique are a part of Team Ring Dinger® and undergo specific training and certification through Dr. Gregory Johnson’s comprehensive 3 day seminar to ensure the safe and effective application of the Ring Dinger® adjustment. This comprehensive approach aims to offer patients relief while emphasizing the importance of precision and technique in chiropractic care.

Award Winning Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson

Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson’s reputation in chiropractic care is built on a strong foundation of expertise and practical experience at Advanced Chiropractic Relief. His credentials reflect extensive training and certifications in chiropractic methodologies including Johnson BioPhysics® a technique pioneered by him, positioning him as a recognized authority in the field.

What distinguishes Dr. Johnson is his innovative approach to integrating digital marketing into traditional chiropractic practice. By utilizing platforms like YouTube, he showcases the efficacy of chiropractic techniques, particularly the Ring Dinger® adjustment, to a wider audience, significantly expanding his practice’s reach and attracting more patients seeking spinal care.

The Ring Dinger® Seminar

The Ring Dinger® 3-day seminar unfolds over Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, immersing participants in hands-on training and invaluable shadowing experiences with none other than Dr. Gregory Johnson. The seminar delves into the intricacies of chiropractic care, covering essential topics such as indications, contraindications, and hands-on techniques. Dr. Johnson’s expertise comes to life as he performs his renowned Johnson BioPhysics®, offering participants a firsthand understanding of his innovative approach. Attendees also gain proficiency in executing adjustments using the specially designed Ring Dinger® table.

Why Dr. Gregory Johnson's Seminar?

The decision to attend Dr. Gregory Johnson’s seminar is a pivotal step toward elevating chiropractic practices. Testimonials from participants underscore the impact of the seminar on their professional growth. The detailed explanations provided during the seminar not only enhance clinical skills but also empower healthcare providers to implement advanced techniques with confidence. The seminar acts as a catalyst for practice expansion, unlocking new dimensions of success for those who embrace Dr. Johnson’s teachings.

How Do I Become a Team Ring Dinger®?

Becoming a member of Team Ring Dinger® opens doors to opportunities and resources. After Joining, DC’s gain the option to purchase trademarks such as Team Ring Dinger®, Ring Dinger®, and Johnson Biophysics®, establishing their identity as practitioners of Dr. Johnson’s distinguished techniques. Exclusive access to the Team Ring Dinger® network facilitates collaboration with other DC’s providers, fostering referrals and practice expansion.

Maximizing Exposure and Outreach

Team Ring Dinger® members enjoy the privilege of leveraging the trademark on their websites and in their practice, serving as a beacon to attract patients seeking chiropractors adept in the same technique. The official Team Ring Dinger® merchandise adds a professional touch, allowing members to showcase their training and expertise proudly. Inclusion on the Team Ring Dinger® website serves as a powerful endorsement, directing potential patients in the local area to the practices of Team Ring Dinger® DC’s.

Defining Team Ring Dinger®

Team Ring Dinger® encapsulates licensed healthcare providers utilizing The Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® Table and equipped with Advanced Chiropractic Equipment designed and marketed by Dr. Gregory Johnson. This distinction extends to patients who have experienced the Johnson Y Axis Adjustment®, forming a community dedicated to the pursuit of spinal decompression and optimal well-being. The Johnson Y Axis Adjustment® Table, manufactured by Hill Laboratories in Pennsylvania, epitomizes quality and innovation, reinforcing the commitment of Team Ring Dinger® to excellence.

Join Team Ring Dinger®

Become part of the expanding community of chiropractors eager to elevate their careers. Take the first step today by expressing your interest through a brief survey.

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