Advanced Chiropractic Equipment LLC


Official Declaration to All Patients of Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC

Your Houston Chiropractor Dr. Gregory Johnson Does not diagnose or treat medical conditions like Acid Reflux, Hiatal Hernia, GERD, Asthma, heart disease, lung disease, gastrointestinal disease, Mental disease, Hernias, Cancer or any medical conditions listed on the ICD 10 codes for medical diseases. Dr Johnson only diagnoses & treats the vertebral subluxation complex of the spine as well as biomechanics of the rib cage & extremities. By reading and understanding this disclosure I am acknowledging that I understand that Gregory E Johnson, D.C. only will accept me as a patient for vertebral subluxations and/or biomechanical conditions in the Chiropractic care of the human body at Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC.

We look forward to serving your Chiropractic needs at Advanced Chiropractic Relief LLC in Houston Texas.

Your Houston Chiropractor,
Dr. Gregory E. Johnson